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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Last work day at Nansensgade

So, as the title suggests, Allan had his last work day at the old shop today, and i doubt that another tattoo will ever be made at that address.
At least i'm hoping that won't happen!
I've been packing most of the day and while it's a little weird to look at the bare walls and think "i painted that line" or take down a bunch of shelves i put up, i am not really feeling sentimental at all.
This has been a long time coming, particularly if you count the years we've been dreaming about moving, and we're so ready to start our new lives at the new shop.
Which is still not finished, but let's not get into that!

I wonder how we ever managed to fit this much crap into our tiny little shop?
Slowly getting there...
Bye bye

Moving day is this saturday, i hope it goes smoothly.

Ps, This is our 100th post on the shop blog, hurray for that!


Sunday, February 21, 2010

"Hi, i'm here for my appointment with Uncle Aaaaaaaaaaaaa..." *Clonk*

We seem to me moving in the wrong direction here, people.
Just saying.

Pit of death


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Naaila Tag Graffiti Alphabet Letters

naaila, tag graffiti
naaila, tag graffiti
naaila, tag graffiti
naaila, tag graffiti

Alphabet graffiti tag when it is included in an art, it is so everyone's attention, with made into an art then a lot of changes happening on the tag alphabet, in terms of form and color in terms of the letter, could use the message social, information which, artwork and so forth.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Naaila Cool Bubble Letters Designs on The Media

Media is a place to make things, including the creation of design in a graffiti art, in this instance to make bubble letters so soothing feeling, without the media of artwork will not be made and can only be considered in fantasy not only has a value at all, for it was the media's enormous benefits in a work of art.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Naaila 3D Graffiti Art on The House

naaila, graffiti art, 3D
naaila, graffiti art, 3D
naaila, graffiti art, 3D
3d art graffiti made to decorate a house to look neat and attractive by wearing green, yellow, red, orange, white and more colors are used in the making of this graffiti art, to graffiti on the good will of this house needs to be done for it with a computer system, so the error can be seen more closely.


Monday, February 15, 2010

3D Graffiti Letters Alphabet is Beatiful...!!!!

3D, graffiti letters, graffiti alphabet
3D, graffiti letters, graffiti alphabet
3-dimensional concept is a concept to create a work of art with technology so advanced, the concept makes a higher quality of graffiti art. But as things are considered in 3-dimensional concept is to be done professionally if it is not then be found irregularities in the resulting art.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Funky Graffiti Alphabet 2010

funky, 2010, graffiti alphabet
funky, 2010, graffiti alphabet
funky, 2010, graffiti alphabet
funky, 2010, graffiti alphabet

Funky graffiti art alphabet in just a course title, the word is often used in young children in the channeling of a short word and interesting, unique models form the letter F is so impressive. with a picture of this graffiti art looks more alive than before, so the social messages easier fast.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday with Sam's sloth

Vegan cake
Non-vegan snacks
Sloth, bloody sloth
Sam, baker of the cake and owner of the sloth!


Friday, February 12, 2010

Oh hi there!

So, it's been a while, huh?
Sorry about that, some of us are a bit sick, and we're all a bit preoccupied these days.

Today me and Allan went by the new shop to see how everything is progressing.
It's... going... it's happening... stuff is being done, that's for sure.
But i still can't believe we have to move in a few weeks!

The floor that looked like this the last time i was there, is now... gone
Maybe we should keep it like this, or turn it into a moat or something?
Toilet is gone too, but at least they bought us a new one
I approve of this!
This is apparently a giraffe?
These creepy little things were lying around the shop... matches the dream-catcher left by the previous tenants, i guess

The painters started painting today (no, that's not as obvious as it sounds, there was lots of work for them to do before they could even start painting!) so hopefully things are gonna start looking good soon.
More updates next week!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sexy Girls Body Paint Art Painted Body Art

 sexy girls body paint art painted body. Painted sexy body of some beautiful girls are presented here. These are all just body is not the purpose. With the beautiful paint and artistic thought girls body become more beautiful. Watch and enjoy beauty girls sexy body art paintings.

  sexy body paint art girls painted body
  sexy girls body paint art painted body. The same body art


Smoke Letters Graffiti 2010

letters graffiti, 2010
letters graffiti, 2010
letters graffiti, 2010
letters graffiti, 2010

Graffiti on the letter with the creation of smoke that was so interesting and beautiful with a varied color, with streaks of smoke made with the concept suitable for the manufacture of digital art gallery in a house.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Best Graffiti Letters in The Year 2010

graffiti letters, 2010
graffiti letters, 2010
graffiti letters, 2010
graffiti letters, 2010

In graffiti letters which would have classified the work as the best works, of course, that these works become works best needed a process that is not for a moment, the way and the value of making art works, and assessment experts who are experts in graffiti is art.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

3D Letters Alphabet Graffiti

3D, graffiti letters, graffiti alphabet
3D, graffiti letters, graffiti alphabet
3D, graffiti letters, graffiti alphabet
3D, graffiti letters, graffiti alphabet

Graffiti art alphabet for it at this point is no longer only manually, but had to use a sophisticated media such as digital versatile equipment or using a computer program that was so sophisticated that produced a work that was so spectacular.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Alphabet Graffiti Style in The Year 2010

Graffiti art alphabet with a variety of interesting styles presented earlier in the year 2010, from the ordinary letters, bubbles and so on. color display with a different style from the ordinary to the colors that stand out attention, but they are no less important is the professional style in the making of this graffiti art.

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