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Thursday, December 9, 2010

FIve Most Popular Chinese Tattoos Design and Their Meaning

Chinese TattooTattoo Chinese characters have retained their popularity for a long period of time. There are several reasons: the user can express an idea or emotion to the character of one or two, for people who do not speak Chinese that is different and exotic, with an air of mystery, there are thousands of symbols from which to choose to make it easier to find the right time. Some characters have changed little for several thousand years, which connects users to the ancient people who have one of the earliest forms of writing.

Dragon Tattoo Chinese Characters
Chinese Tattoo
Chinese Dragon is one of the most recognized image in the world. Anyone who saw it knows it is uniquely Chinese. This can be seen in dresses, pottery, furniture and decor. This sign is one of Asia's most popular. In Chinese culture, dragons are considered as the strongest symbol of good fortune. This is seen as a creature of power and magic and as a friend to man. This will bestow kindness and luck. It stands for abundance, success and prosperity. It is also seen as a connection to the supernatural - the connection between heaven and earth. A character Chinese dragon as a tattoo design can be connected to an ancient culture and mythology.

Tattoo Chinese Strength
Chinese Tattoo
Some Chinese characters date back to ancient times, the symbol for power is one of them. Emperor's elite guard to wear. The character itself is a word like tendons or muscles. It means strength, power, strength or ability. This symbol is said to bring physical strength, stamina and good health. It will also bring good fortune for those who wear them.

Chinese Love Tattoo
Chinese Tattoo
It is a powerful symbol that can express all kinds of love - mother and father, lover, wife or husband. This is a sign that includes all for love. The good part about it is that you can decide who is the object of your love. Like all Chinese symbols will give you good luck.

Chinese Zodiac Tattoo
Chinese Tattoo
Like the Western Zodiac signs there are 12 signs of Chinese. China signs for year of birth is not for day of birth. Chinese people also use the animals to each year - Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog and Pig. Signs of the Zodiac is actually a character that represents that animal for the year. It is estimated that someone will take a few characteristics of their birth animals. These characteristics are listed in a manner similar to those contained in the Western Horoscope. There is a Chinese symbol that means the Zodiac but it was subsequently modified to a person's birth month. This is another sign that is seen as very fortunate. It connects users to the universe and the power of positive.

These are only a few Chinese symbols that can help you express yourself in a way that interesting and exotic. You can express your personality with calligraphic style you choose. To ensure you get the character you want is important to conduct their own research and then talk with an artist who is familiar with the symbols or who have knowledge about China.

[1]William Burnell,


Graffiti Alphabet Bubble Letters In Hotel Room

Graffiti Alphabet Bubble Letters In Hotel Room
a work of art is not only attractive on display at a gallery, but very interesting as well when placed in a hotel room, for example graffiti alphabet bubble letters.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Star Tattoo For Christmas Party

320Well, first of all let's talk a little about stars. Just so that we are all on the same page about why stars are important symbols.

320When we look up toward the skies above during a clear night, as Carl Sagan would say, we can see billions and billions of stars.

320For eons, the shining and twinkling stars above have awed humans. Many cultures and religions have attempted to explain the purpose of these celestial stars where the gods reside. Stars have been found carved in caves. We have used the stars to measure our time and direction.

320By definition, a star is a massive ball of plasma energy. In case you were wondering -- a star is bright because of the nuclear fusion that is happening inside its core, which releases incredible amounts of energy that radiates into outer space.

320There is another category of star tattoos that are called, "shooting stars." But, "shooting stars or even "falling stars" are REALLY meteors that are burning through our atmosphere on the way down to Earth. They still make beautiful tattoos.

In short, stars have always been an important part of our lives and sure - we sometimes take them for granted because they are always consistently in the skies and they last forever.

Now let's talk about some of the hundreds of variations of star tattoos. They could be "shooting stars." Stars grouped with the sun, planets, and/or the moon. There are lucky stars, pentacles, many different colors of stars and the number of points in the stars.

Nautical star is a symbol of protection and guidance. Sailors would have these tattooed on their forearms for a good luck symbol for finding their way back home from a sea voyage. However, many people attach a meaning to the Nautical star as "finding their way through life."

And the biggest star of them all (at least from our perception) is... the Sun!

The Sun is the greatest star of them all because we depend on it for our survival. It is the largest object in our solar system. And this is a fact, 98% of the total mass in our solar system is the Sun! The Sun is so big that 1.3 million Earths could fit inside it. It has been estimated that our Sun is 4.6 billion years old. And don't worry; they say the Sun has enough fuel for 5 more billion years...

One of the more important criteria when deciding on a star tattoo is how many points do you want on your star.

The four-pointed star can be the Christmas star, which refers to the star associated with the birth of Jesus in the bible.

The five-pointed star is commonly called the "star fish" star. The Lone Star of Texas is a white, 5 pointed star. However, the five-pointed star can also be used to represent the Pentagram. The Pentagram was a symbol of health for the ancient Greeks. But the Pentagram can also be used as a symbol for Paganism and the devil. A word of warning, avoid the upside down Pentacle if you don't wish to be considered a Satanist.

Jewish Star of David was named after King David of ancient Israel and looks like two triangles placed on top of each other. This 6-pointed symbol has been used since the Middle Ages. In fact, this symbol can be found on the flag of Israel.

The seven-pointed star is considered a lucky number. Some of you may be familiar with the term, lucky sevens. To many people, the seven-pointed star is considered a symbol of magic. Many police officers wear this star symbol badges.

The eight-pointed Star is the cross of Saint John. It originated in the Maltese Cross, the emblem of the Knights of Malta, and was used by the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem at the time of the crusades. Each point of this star is called a tenet that represents the knightly virtues of:

· Tact

· Perseverance

· Gallantry

· Loyalty

· Dexterity

· Explicitness

· Observation

· Sympathy

Most firefighters wear this symbol because the tenets represent the qualities required of these men and women...

A simple nine-pointed star is created by 3 equilateral triangles; each turned 40 degrees from the others and when placed together creates a Tetrahedron. The 9-pointed star is also the symbol for the Baha'i faith. As you might guess, the number nine is the largest single digit so this kind of star can also be a symbol for completeness.

There are hundreds of variations of star tattoos that you can choose from. Many of them are spectacular to represent the brilliance and uniqueness of the stars in the skies above. Again, avoid the upside-down pentacle if you want to avoid being stigmatized as a Satanist.

[1] Becky Mclure,


Monday, December 6, 2010

World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 16


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 15


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 14


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 13


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 12


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 11


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 10


Face Tattoo

 Simply just choosing to be tattooed is really a big move, but having a face tattoo on your face is definitely a serious lifetime commitment.
Now, I guess that you're thrilled that you have decided to have a facial area tattoo. Is it your very first one?
Did you realize?
Often it is simply a decision to rebel against the norm; in other cases it's really an authentic need to force limitations and free people's minds towards a new direction.
No matter what the particular reason is for selecting face art tattoo, there's no doubt: it will get some kind of reaction.
The face is probably the most challenging place for needling. Facial body art elicits an automatic reaction from people in the community; automatically those with facial tattoos are considered extreme and provocative. Some may even say that it is "ridiculously dumb" - many are unable to understand why somebody would tattoo his face.
Nearly all parts of the body can be covered up, except for the face. Unless you put on some sort of ski face mask, your tattoo is always going to be on display.
Quite a few well-known folks, who have opted for facial tattoos, incongruously are top notch sports athletes:
David Clinger: Clinger is a highly ranked cyclist and he is possibly the most extreme of the face inked sports stars; he has a full tribal tattoo design over his entire face.
Mike Tyson: By far the most popular boxer, he's got a tribal tattoo design on the side of his face which wraps around one eye.
Lee Priest: Priest is a really famous and successful skilled bodybuilder. His face tattoo design is also on half of his face and features a tribal design.
Among rappers, Lil Wayne is probably the most talked about with respect to body tattoo designs. This excellent rap artist has got countless tats on his entire body and his face.

Concerns for Face Tattoo designs:

Concern does exist about getting face tattoos and there should be even more concern about them. There is absolutely no covering up and no turning back. At one point, there was even some sort of statistic out which reported, unfortunately, that there was a high incidence of suicide among people with facial tattoos. As a result of this, and for other good reasons, a lot of tattoo artists have a tendency to refuse to provide face tats.


Graffiti Alphabet Letters - Design a Horror Style Text Effect with Dirt and Splatter Texture in Photoshop

Graffiti Alphabet Letters Horor StyleGraffiti Alphabet Letters - Design a Horror Style Text Effect with Dirt and Splatter Texture in Photoshop.

In this tutorial, the author will show the process used by the author in creating the style of horror text effects with dirt and splashes of texture in Photoshop. The author gets inspiration from typography game "Prototype" title and decided to have a little experiment with yourself.

Please for the visitors of our respected for providing input and comment, thank you.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Graffiti Alphabet Letters - Design a Golden Flame Text Effect in Photoshop

Graffiti Alphabet Letters goldenflame

Graffiti Alphabet Letters - Design a Golden Flame Text Effect in Photoshop

Photoshop offers one of the most robust graphics editing experiences available. Sometimes we can not stop us a couple of nice effects apply to well-designed fonts. Therefore we have created our own tutorials for Photoshop text effects for your incredible. In this tutorial, the author will show the processes involved in creating text effects smoke in gold with a soft texture in Photoshop.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Neck Tattoo

Neck TattooTattoos no longer have the shock value they once had. With the TV reality shows like Miami Ink on TLC, one could argue they have gone mainstream. Stigma of tattoos has greatly declined over the years and has crossed boundaries both economic and social. Here are some interesting statistics from
Neck Tattoo
• A Harris Poll conducted in 2003 revealed that 16% of Americans have at least one tattoo. That's about 40 million people. That's up from 6% back in 1936 when only 10 million Americans have tattoos.
• A survey conducted by Esquire magazine in 2002 stated that 1 of 8 Americans have tattoos.
• According to research in 2005 from The American Society of Dermatological Surgery, from the people they care for laser and light therapy, only 6% who get tattoos removed.
• U.S. News & World Report says there are more than 20,000 tattoo parlors operating in the United States and on average, a new space that opened each day.
Neck Tattoo
One segment of the popular body art is "always visible" tattoos. These include a tattoo on the neck and face are not always covered by clothing. Most neck tattoos are placed on the side of the neck or the back of the neck, known as the neck. An owner of a tattoo parlor in New York said that 20-30 percent of the tattoos he does not exist on the face, hands, or neck.

A question often asked when deciding to get a neck tattoo would it be more painful than getting a tat in other parts of the body? Because the skin on the back of the neck is thin, needle naturally closer to the bone get a neck tattoo does not make a bit more painful. Of course, it all depends on individual physical and psychological makeup.

tattoo usually heals in 2-3 weeks but the neck tattoo might take a little longer. This is caused by the movement created by the movement of the head that causes scabies fast neck tattoo. As a result, you may need to re-ink tattoo neck to fix some of the patchiness. Fortunately, this session is not painful re-ink the beginning of the session.

One advantage of neck tattoos on the arm or leg tattoo is that they are less susceptible to infection. Do be careful with sun exposure because it can cause the ink to fade so it is important to apply sun screen.

[1] Draw Bates,


Graffiti Alphabet Letters - Create a cool 3D text using Photoshop and Illustrator

Graffiti Alphabet Letters photoshopid=
Graffiti Alphabet Letters - Create a cool 3D text using Photoshop and Illustrator.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create a 3D text design. You can use this technique to a dynamic logo that looks great on promotional products to create business cards, and almost everywhere they sat. Unfortunately, Photoshop is not enough to make a 3D image, but Adobe has other applications where you `re able to do this very easily.It Adobe Illustrator. So, to create 3D text, you need Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Graffiti Alphabet Letters Web Media

Graffiti Alphabet Letters Web Media id=

Graffiti Alphabet Letters Web media. Via : Naaila-Graffiti Alphabet

Graffiti alphabet letters made by giving a simple title in one of the arts with a combination of line with a pink coloration which is placed in an area that looks like glass with ornate background with brown color.

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Thursday, December 2, 2010

What is Cherry Blossom Tattoo Designs and Their Meanings?

 Cherry Blossom Tattoo DesignsYou see the cherry blossom tattoo on a lot of women today as these designs have grown in popularity among tattoo lovers and first timers the same. This is a rush for a tattoo that is different from the cherry blossoms have created great interest within the meaning and symbolism of the cherry blossom in both Chinese and Japanese culture.

 Cherry Blossom Tattoo DesignsBecause tattoos are very personal things, they can say a lot about a person so getting the right tattoo for the right reasons is important. Since the cherry blossoms mean different things in Chinese and Japanese society you must realize that people from backgrounds would react very differently when they see it.

Cherry Blossoms In China

 Cherry Blossom Tattoo DesignsThe Chinese see the cherry blossom as a symbol of power, particularly the dominance of the feminine persona. This could mean flower tattoos are ideal for you if you're a strong woman who wants the values of liberty and freedom, or if you just come out of a difficult relationship.

It also stands for love if you come from the approach of herbal knowledge.

Cherry Blossoms In Japan

 Cherry Blossom Tattoo DesignsIn Japanese culture there is often a connection between long hair blossoming cherry and the Buddhist concept of "mono no aware" that refers to the respect for life, mortality and grief at the passing of things. This is because the cherry blossoms appear only on the curls for a short time before they fall to the ground.

This deals with death very symbolic in Japan and has been used in traditional art there for centuries along with the manga or anime later. This link may yet make a cherry blossom tattoo is not suitable for some. Or, maybe give a renewed appreciation for the fragility of life and help you make your brief time on this earth, while bringing you a different perspective on tough times you may face, knowing that they will not last forever.

Getting A True Reflection Of The Cherry Blossom Tattoo You

While it is true that there are different varieties of cherry blossoms, many people do not appreciate how different they can find. In fact, the most common cherry trees in Japan are mostly Somei Yoshino has white blooms with a faint little pink in the petals.

Other popular choices are doing is very much pink in bloom they are and this is what you'll more often see as a tattoo. But still, this is something you should think about when getting your tattoo. You must do research, find pictures of other people have tattoos and decide which ones you want. This may depend on your skin color, those with pale skin would want to design a more pink, while tanned or olive-skinned people should think pink flowers or white on white in their designs.

You also have to think about how many branches to integrate into the overall design of the tattoo. Realism would dictate that you have a fair bit of branches with flowers clustered together that long but it might come down to both personal taste and where you intend the tattoo to be.

Getting Your Tattoo Done

If you have decided to combine the cherry blossom tattoo you should be very selective over who you get to apply the design to your skin. Japanese art is very complicated, such as cherry tree itself so you need somebody who has experience in this type of tattoo. Make sure you discuss with them what you want and do not be afraid to ask for changes to their original images so that finished article is something that you love to live with for the rest of your life.

So there you have it, I hope this picture of the meaning and symbolism of the cherry blossom has been useful in making your mind about that tattoo you have been after.

[1] Stephen Waller,


Graffiti Alphabet Letters and Numbers

Graffiti Alphabet Letters and Numbersid=
Graffiti Alphabet Letters and Numbers. Via : Naaila - Graffiti Alphabet

Graffiti alphabet that combine letters and numbers in a classic color with a dark background.
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Miami Ink Flower Tattoo

Miami Ink has been shown mainly on channels of the Discovery Network, including Discovery Real Time (UK, Ireland, France, Italy), the Discovery Channel (Norway, Poland, Denmark, Romania, Finland, The Netherlands, South Africa, Namibia, Belgium, Turkey, Portugal, Czech, Spain), DMAX (UK, Ireland and Germany), Discovery Travel and Living (Croatia, India, Italy, Russia, Serbia, Asia, Australia, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Macedonia, Denmark, Singapore, Portugal) and People & Arts (Latin America, Spain and Brazil). It has also been broadcast by Viasat 4 (Norway), TV6 (Sweden), TV3+ (Denmark) and JIM (Finland).


Chris Nunez Tattoo 

Chris, born in 1972, is of Cuban descent and grew up in Miami. He entered into the realm of tattooing after beginning his career as a graffiti artist. When he was 21 years old, Chris packed his bags for a short trip to Brazil and ended up staying for five years. He then traveled throughout Europe for three years, which allowed him to work with all of his favorite tattoo artists. The experience expanded both his artistic sense and his knowledge of tattooing. He got his first artwork, a hand-poked tattoo of a cross, when he was 16 years old. Besides tattooing, Chris likes to have a good time and enjoys being the life of the party.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


There's just no other explanation, really!

-4 million celsius, 5000 km winds and they predict it to get much worst gradually until the end of time itself!

All we can hope for now, is that the people who predict this unnatural weather are the same that usually have a hard time predicting what the weather will be like tomorrow!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why Butterfly Tattoo?

Butterfly TattooTattoo art forms are in fashion all over the world especially in countries the U.S. and Europe. Trendy and decorative tattoo designs are the choice of every next person. In addition, the choice is not lacking. Tattoos are available in several designs and sizes, so you do not have to worry about how to decorate your body. Some of the most fashionable contemporary tattoos are butterfly tattoo designs, dragon tattoo designs, tribal tattoo design, cross tattoo designs, henna tattoo designs, and religious tattoo designs, long list!

Butterflies have essentially been regarded as a style statement for years together. Whether it's clothing, accessories, luggage, or jewelry, this lovely creature has managed to establish a creative idea. Vibrant colors of the butterfly sported on you would make you look hot. Butterfly tattoo designs are very colorful and have a nice blend of eye-catching colors.

Tattoos with butterfly pictures will leave you in confusion for election. Some of the coolest designs butterfly tattoo is a tribal butterfly tattoo, butterfly fairy tattoos, lower back butterfly tattoo, butterfly tattoo animal tattoo butterfly and Celtic. Tribal butterfly tattoos are generally influenced by ancestral art from local and indigenous tribes. Tribal art comes from the large clans or tribes from Ireland and Scotland and even some tribes of Borneo. Butterflies since many ages was associated with fairies. Butterfly wings are considered fairy wings and vice versa. A butterfly really represents a multi-colored picture Mother Nature itself. Therefore, this design butterfly fairy tattoo even more popular especially with women and modern men.

butterfly tattoo designs have held a special place in the heart of a woman. Among the preferred design, butterfly tattoo designs are one of the favorites. Butterfly tattoo designs come in a wide and color formats, from two fast for the colorful. Typically, a company tattoo on the arm or shoulder blades do not care that the permanent or not. This will increase the sense of energetic if you tattoo designs butterfly tattoo on neck or ankle. But you have to pay the price to take the pain of the needle to the coolness.

They are the subject of creative expression and a mixture of colors is very unique and expressive. Butterfly tattoo designs are all about taking the butterfly in the kingdom of fashion and combining with the art form. The butterfly tattoos not only interest the world's women, but among the artists selected design as well. Permanently or temporarily attached, and even body painting, tattoo designers love to play with colors that make the wings of a butterfly.

Some butterfly tattoo only lasted a few days and can be cleaned off by the paint remover, some of them just need soap and water to disappear. Body painted butterfly tattoo designs are not very lasting and thus give a better chance of varieties. Regardless of the type of butterfly tattoo designs, always among the best design as one can have fun with colors that are not possible with other designs.

[1]Wincent Lowh,


Monday, November 29, 2010

Graffiti Alphabet Letters In The Embodiment S

Graffiti Alphabet Letters In The Embodiment S
a large canvas created a work of graffiti alphabet letters with shades of varying colors that appear so fascinating because it highlights the affected color glitter lamps made more prominent and sharp.

works of graffiti alphabet letters with the preparation of a neat look to form a letter that is not familiar to us, namely the letter S

Any form of letters that we want we can pour such as the above works, you try to do to get better results and maximal.

please try right now, do not delay ...


Graffiti Fonts 2010

Graffiti Fonts1
Graffiti Fonts2
Graffiti Fonts3
The use of fonts in the work of graffiti art really make progress is forward rapidly and great, because with the use of these fonts can be produced graffiti artwork of all kinds with different inspirations, too.

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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Draw My Name In Graffiti Letters

Draw My Name In Graffiti Letters1
Draw My Name In Graffiti Letters2
Draw My Name In Graffiti Letters3
Draw in graffiti letters was very exciting, because it is the work of forming a letter like doing a job drawing, whether the fun of your own.

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World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 9


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 8


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 6


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 7


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 5


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 4


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 3


World Body Painting Festival 2010 : Photos 2

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